Design activities
New product development
Designed as a lead engineer the first radio-controlled dozer of India while working for BEML (2000-2002).
Invented an auto-disposable syringe and patented the design (MAS/2000).
Design and developed various industrial projects such as load indicator deck lamps for a dumper (BH85), joysticks for dumpers for hoist control, and new dashboards for dumpers (BH85) for the universal electronic controller.
Various consultancy projects were carried out both as a consultant and as a volunteer.
For portfolio, please visit my website at
Website developments
Indo-US workshop website
CPDM Department website (CPDM), IISc, 2005
Ideas Lab website, (CPDM), IISc, 2005
Sustainability standards portal, NIST
Software developments
Intelligent Designer - Design of Jigs and Press Working Tools using AI (C++, AutoCAD) (BE Project)
Idea-Transcribe – An aid for design researchers for transcribing protocols (VB, Media player, Spreadsheet)
Idea-Inspire (in a team) - An aid to help designers generate solutions (VC++, OpenGL)
Idea-Trigger – An aid to trigger ideas (VB, VC++, OpenGL) (Ph.D. work)
Planner – Planning software for researchers (VB)
Medical equipment design
2015 Developed ‘Bone alignment measuring system’ along with four students of IIT Ropar and with Dr. Chawan of PGI hospital, Chandigarh, 2015
2015 Developed “improved surgical cutter for plastic surgery” for Dr. Sunil Gaba of Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh along with Dr. S. S. Padhee and Mr Sameer Mishra, a summer internship student, 2015
Design exhibitions conducted
2017 Design exhibition at Indian Institute of Technology Ropar in November 2017
2017 Design exhibition at Indian Institute of Technology Ropar in April 2017
2016 Design exhibition at Indian Institute of Technology Ropar in November 2016 (guided products displayed= 16).
2016 Design exhibition at Indian Institute of Technology Ropar in April 2016 (guided products displayed= 8).
2015 Design exhibition conducted for undergraduate students in November 2015 (guided products = 18 approx.).
2015 Design exhibition at Indian Institute of Technology Ropar in April 2015 (guided products displayed= 14).
2014 Design exhibition conducted for undergraduate students in November 2014 (guided products displayed= 18).
2014 Design exhibition conducted for undergraduate students in April 2014 (guided products displayed= 24).
2013 Design exhibition conducted for undergraduate students in November 2013 (guided products displayed= 28).
2013 Design exhibition conducted for undergraduate students in April 2013 (guided products displayed= 28).
2012 Design exhibition conducted for undergraduate students in November 2012 (guided products displayed= 24).
2012 Design exhibition conducted for undergraduate students in April 2012 (guided products displayed= 14).
2011 Design exhibition conducted for undergraduate students in November 2011 (guided products displayed= 28).