This is hand held Thermocol (expanded polystyrene) crafting machine. A soldering iron is modified to create this.

This is a table top Thermocol (expanded polystyrene) crafting machine.

This is a security mat. This mat can be kept outside the door of a house. Once someone steps on it bell would activate informing the persons inside the house that a visitor has arrived. Alternatively, buzzer is placed to inform the owner that someone has arrived.

This is for picking wastes without using hands.

A security system for suitcases. The system would be kept inside a large suitcase, the handle would have the chain.

We designed a very economical touch pad with inverted mice.

This is a water level sensor to identify floods or over flooding of a river. This warning systems can be placed on the river that are prone to overflow suddenly during a flash flood. This system would be beneficial especially at night.

A handy filter system for personal water purification. It can fit into any water bottle.

A personal light for bikers and bi-bicyclers.

A table top night lamp

A LED lighted writing pad for civil engineers to be used during night on sight